How the internet affected TV shows
Before the internet TV shows were watched on the television
and you had to wait to watch the shows and couldn’t watch catch ups unless they
were on TV. Most of the shows I watch, I watch them on the internet and I catch
up on episodes I have missed.
The first television was revealed to the public in 1949. Not
many people owned them when they were first revealed because they were pretty
expensive. There were only 2 television channels available when it first came
out and they were NBC and CBS. Televisions became more and more popular because
you had entertainment without going to the cinemas. As televisions got more
popular they became more affordable. People would hear about televisions
through the radio and newspaper or from gossip. A lot of people loved the idea of
having entertainment in their own home. By the 1960s most families had a TV in
their living rooms. Televisions became so popular because most people or
families like the entertainment in their own home. In the 1970s restaurants
would close on a Monday night because of ‘Monday night football’. There were no DVDs or DVD players so people couldn’t
watch the limited show that were offered at their own convenience.
The internet was first released in 1989. It wasn’t until
many years later that the internet became widely know or used. In the early
1990s the internet was totally different to now. There were only text web
browsers but they eventually introduced graphic ones which included images etc.
There were more and more sites being uploaded and by the 2000 the internet
truly went ‘mainstream’.